Gulf Center for Disease Control and Prevention Holds International Workshop to Discuss Tools for Rapid Assessment of Public Health Emergencies

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06/07/2023 00:00:00

As part of its ongoing efforts to combat diseases and safeguard the health and well-being of the citizens and residents of Gulf countries, the Gulf Center for Disease Control and Prevention organized an international workshop on the assessment of public health emergencies at its headquarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The workshop witnessed the attendance and participation of a large number of prestigious international health and disease control organizations, including the European, American, African, and Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the UK Health Security Agency, the Canadian Public Health Agency, as well as the World Health Organization and the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. The workshop also involved the Saudi Mass Gathering Medicine Center and the Emergency Management Center of the Gulf Cooperation Council in Kuwait.

The workshop aimed to discuss and exchange expertise on international mechanisms for rapid assessment of public health risks, highlighting best practices and successful experiences in this field. This contributes to enhancing the capabilities of countries and international organizations to address emerging health threats.

The workshop covered several important and vital topics, including health assessment techniques, international coordination in health emergencies, identification of public health risks, analysis of epidemiological data, international guidelines for addressing emerging diseases, exchange of vital information, preparedness and response to emergencies, and international cooperation in health research and development for risk assessment. The workshop aimed to develop these mechanisms at the regional and international levels.

The organization of this international workshop by the Gulf Center for Disease Control and Prevention reflects its continuous commitment to enhancing public health and international cooperation in disease prevention and control. It reaffirms its leading role in strengthening health capacities and responding rapidly to health emergencies.

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